Sunday 3 January 2016

Participation Rural Appraisal

 I would like to share about PRA(Participation Rural Appraisal) Module.

Participation Rural Appraisal means getting involve, exchanging and sharing ideas, opinions, and doing thing to gather in work, analysis, and decision making. Many methods using here for example Social mapping, Geographical mapping, resources mapping, and vein mapping, more.  This is very helpful to society. This map through which kind resources are available and how to use that and more information will be getting them.

Core Concept of PRA
  • Empowerment
  • Respect
  • Localization
  • Enjoyment
  • Incluciveness
Objectives of PRA
  • Stimulate the community to identify the causes of its problems and collective aspirations
  • Facilitate communication with the community
  • Help the community to identify the resources, experiences and potential improvement
  • Identify interests and conflict
  • motivate communities to develop self reliance in project development and management
Good Features of PRA
  • Learning-as -you-go principle
  • innovative
  • Interactive
  • Informal
  • In the community  
                                                                                                               Uses of tools
  • PRA better understanding of rural reality and development program
  • Feeling of ownership by community
  • Social acceptance of programs of community
This kind of uses peoples are taking here. This is very need to NGO's because of now a day more opportunities NGO's searching there. We got real practical experience in this field.

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