Sunday 3 January 2016

My study experience on Agriculture module

                    Hi, I'm very happy to share about my Agriculture experience.

Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, bio fuel, medicinal and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization

Basically I'm arts student and I have 5 acer land but I know practical work bit agriculture, when I was went to studied that time I realized & confused because I know about agriculture. This is my wrong thinking after understood that. K any way I will explain my learnings in Agriculture.

First day I identify the Farmer problems, I found solution of problems and I have more opportunity in this sector.

Farmer Problems 
  1. Irrigation system
  2. Scientific cultivation or traditional method
  3. Electricity problem
  4. Fertilizer and seeds problem   
  5. Market problems
  6. labor and middle man problem. and more
                  We identify the major problems, we gave the solution also. I learnt bellow all points 
  • Sustainable agriculture,
  • Crop Economics
  •  vermi compost method, 
  • Soil testing, Harvesting, 
  • Nursery method,
  •  Land measurement,
  • Self help group
  • Crap Cultivation

                                  I got good experience in agriculture field. We met many farmer and we asked about their crop cultivation. They told us what they are facing problems in the field. They  don't know about agriculture technology so they are using traditional method because of this reason they are failing to get proper yield.


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