Saturday 9 January 2016

Entrepreneurship Motivation Training

                     Entrepreneurs are the people who take risk and jump into new challenges. At certain point of time they need to be encouraged and motivated. Entrepreneurship Motivation Training as the name itself suggests is a motivational training to the entrepreneur’s. It was one of the best modules in the fellowship, conducted by Mr. D B Vanageri Sir. 
                  Today we were completed the EMT module. It was started on 4/1/2016 Tuesday to 9/1/2016 Saturday completed. This is a very interesting module for me because I understood my behavior. every entrepreneur has a different unique and thinking capacity.

                         First day I learn t Power Motivation, Affiliation motivation, Achivement Motivation, and Extaintion motivation meaning and where I am here and which one is apply for me I learnt every thing through practical. here, Sir gave 45 questions and every question have a 5 Highest(Strongly agree) marks and lowest 1 marks(strongly Disagree). According to my understanding I gave answer for each questions and I got highest %  in power motivation. Sir gave good suggestion to every one. here, mainly I understood my self and recall the my past days and wrote my strength and weakness. 
                      I played ring activity this activity through analysis the my entrepreneurship behavior. how I will be do the work in different situation. Individual behavior, group behavior, and Risk taking person behavior. I learnt these three behavior. And Self rating assessment activity through I learnt Behavior Block Innovation questions. 

Thematic Apperception Test

               Thematic Apperception Test(TAT) is  task  write a complete story about the picture. This should be an imaginative story with a beginning, middle, and an end. Try to portray who the people might be, what they are feeling, thinking, and wishing. Try to tell what led to the situation depicted in the picture and how everything will turn out in the end.



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