Sunday 3 January 2016

Achiving big things

Every person have a different different goal these bellow points are very helpful for setting a goal and achieving.
  • Setting a clear goal 
                - As a specific and defined as possible
                - Timing is imortant 
  •  Reasons behind the goal
                 - Why do you want that goal?
                 - What will happen If you don't achieve that goal?
  • Finding a group
  • Detailed action plan
                  - Could be several pages
                  - What topic will you cover
                  - by when
                  - using what resources
                  - could keep getting revised
  • setback dealing mechanisms
                 -  Failure in certain mock test
                 - Inability to grasp context
                 - Stuck scores
                 - Figure out a plan
  • Faith 
                - God
                - Parents
                - Order of the univers
                - Self belief

Positive thinking and Who have  mass ideas He will be become a big achiever in world"

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